10:24 AM


  • is a communication theory that seeks to explain individual differences in people‘s ability to communicate skillfully in social situations.


  • The cognitive template or stencils we fit over reality, to bring order to our perceptions.

Role Category Questionaire (RCQ by : Walter Crockett) 

  • A free-response survey designed to measure the Cognitive Complexity of a person’s interpersonal perception. Designed to sample the interpersonal constructs in our mental toolbox.

Cognitive Complexity

  • The mental ability to distinguish subtle personality and behavior differences among people. 

Person-Centered Messages

  • A tailor-made message for a specific individual and context; reflect the communicator’s ability to anticipate response and adjust accordingly.The speaker is able to anticipate how different individuals might respond to a message, and adjust his or her communication accordingly. Example

Sophisticated Communication

  • A person-centered message that accomplishes multiple goal.

Message Design Logics (MDLs)

  • MDLs explain link between cognitive complexity and Person-Centered Messages. They are implicit theories people have about the way in which messages can be shaped as means to ends.
      1. Expressive MDL: language skill to express what one thinks and feels;
      2. Conventional MDL: tailoring messages to main goal, using socially conventional means, appropriate to the particular situation; 
      3. Rhetorical MDL: negotiating social self and situation, redefining situation, achieving multiple goals, defusing conflict in present and in future.

Similar Skill Model

  • A hypothesis that relationships fare better when parties possess the same level of verbal sophistication.

Message Production (by: James Dillard)

  • A three-stage process of goals assessed, plans selected, and tactics enacted (action).

Click here for more about terms.

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